Support pupils with additional needs
We recently came to the end of the Erasmus+ KA2 Magic Sens project (Managing Graduated approach and Including balanced Curriculum for Special Educational Needs Students) that involved partners from Romania, Greece, Ireland and Italy – among which FORMA.Azione. A great challenge thinking in terms of numbers: around 15 million children are identified as having Special Educational Needs (SEN). This comes with greater consequences as they often leave school with low or no qualification and therefore more likely to be unemployed or economically inactive. Therefore, the aim of the project was to enhance skills and competences of teachers, teacher trainers and other professional figugures included in the educational chain to deal and support pupils with additional needs. The fruitful collaboration among partners led to the elaboration of MAGIC SENS Toolkit that allows the different key actors and stakeholders involved in education to better plan and develop actions to effectively support SEN pupils, thus increasing the level of inclusiveness in education. So have a look on the project website and Toolkit and we encourage you to make use of it!