Participation in Project Coordinators Meeting of Social Inclusion Projects Brussels
13 and 14 February 2020. The meeting has been held by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency in Brussels. The venue is Rue Philippe Lebon 3, 1000 Brussels.
This invitation was restricted to the coordinators of new projects, which have been selected in 2019.
The general objectives of the Coordinators Meeting were the following:
– Inform project coordinators about the procedures and rules to be followed for financial and operational management (e.g. managing the budget, making amendment requests and reporting on progress/final results, audits) and enable them to ask questions on these issues;
– Enable synergies where relevant and strengthen the link between projects and their policy context;
– Enable project coordinators to meet the colleagues at the Executive Agency responsible for their projects, to meet representatives of the Commission dealing with the relevant policy aspects;
– Foster networking between the project coordinators.