Piloting phase in Romania
The project ECO-IN Romania reached its piloting phase for testing the tool devised for assessing the quality of school inclusion at the European level in order to reach out to the target groups involved in the inclusive processes.
At this stage, Alba County School Inspectorate from Romania, involved 20 schools from Alba County during the month of February 2022.
Școala Gimnazială ”Vasile Goldiș” Alba Iulia |
Școala Gimnazială ”Iuliu Maniu” Vințu de Jos |
Școala Gimnazială ”Mihai Eminescu” Ighiu |
Școala Gimnazială Ciugud |
Școala Gimnazială Meteș |
Școala Gimnazială ”Ovidiu Hulea” Aiud |
Școala Gimnazială Livezile |
Școala Gimnazială Lopadea Nouă |
Școala Gimnazială ”Demetriu Radu” Rădești |
Școala Gimnazială ”Ion Pop Reteganul” Sâncel |
Colegiul Național „Titu Maiorescu” Aiud |
Colegiul Național „Bethlen Gabor” Aiud |
Liceul Tehnologic Aiud |
Liceul Tehnologic Agricol ”Alexandru Borza” Ciumbrud |
Colegiul Național ”I.M.Clain” Blaj |
Liceul Tehnologic „Ștefan Manciulea” Blaj |
Liceul Tehnologic Sebeș |
Liceul Tehnologic „Alexandru Domșa” Alba Iulia |
Liceul cu Program Sportiv Alba Iulia |
Liceul „Horea, Cloșca și Crișan” Abrud |
This assessment tool is to support schools in a process of inclusive school development, drawing on the views of staff, policy maker, school students, parents/carers and other community members. It is concerned with improving educational attainments through inclusive practice and thus provides an attempt to redress a balance in those schools which have concentrated on raising student attainment at the expense of the development of a supportive school community for staff and students. The process of working with the tool is itself designed to contribute to the inclusive development of schools. It encourages staff to share and build on their existing knowledge about what impedes learning and participation.
Alba County School Inspectorate-Romania, is concerned with minimising all barriers to learning and participation, whoever experiences them and wherever they are located within the cultures, policies and practices of a school.