Pilot studies toward the implementation of the ECO INclusive Toolbox
We are working in preliminary and analytical activities, functional to the implementation of the “ECO.INclusive Toolbox” at the core of our project. The activity is coordinated by partner UNIURB, with the active involvement of all the partners for the activities to be implemented in the different countries.
The current process it is composed by complex tasks, since each country brings with it its own background, cultures and approaches.
The tasks and activities are expected to produce the following outcomes: reliable and relevant methodology for needs assessment; a solid, well-grounded assessment protocol; a network of experiences and practices, both locally and at European level; higher awareness of the important of cross-collaboration.
The relevance of this process is enormous in terms of improving inclusion in public policies, since the indicators of inclusion that the project will offer can help schools to advance in the quality of inclusion in their centers and to innovate, incorporating new indicators in educational practice.