Kick-off meeting in Perugia Italy
ECO-IN Kick Off Meeting held at University of Perugia, Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (FISSUF) On the days of December 9th and 10th 2019, the Kick Off Meeting for the ECO-IN project was held in Perugia (Italy), at the Department of Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (FISSUF) of University of Perugia. During this important occasion, were laid not only the scientific foundations of the whole project but also those of the collaboration between the partners who are from Belgium, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, Spain and come from very different paths of research, from Universities to Regional School Offices, tCommunication and Training organizations and Teachers’ trade Union. The two-day meeting cemented old collaborations and launched new ones with the aim of working towards the improvement of the quality of inclusive education |