Is trust related to inclusion?
The central objective of a Prosocial Trust Center (PTC) is to generate trust. People at risk of exclusion need to be able to trust others again, it will be achieved if the others involved in the PTC agree to put into practice their values of accepting everyone. How? Increasing their prosocial attitudes and behaviors toward all those who participate in the PTC.
The Prosocial Trust Center is an interdisciplinary space where participants try to establish positive human relationships through prosocial communication, leaving aside their respective status and even roles to allow exchanges of ideas, difficulties, questions and cases, in a more spontaneous horizontal and circular way .
A “Prosocial Trust Center” is made of spaces and special timetables and schedules within the schools, with the aim of becoming a social reference for the different actors involved in the ECO-IN Project: school heads, teaching staff involved in the center, students, families, and participants from other schools and from public or local institutions.
The PROSOCIAL TRUST CENTER is an option for a structural innovation of the whole school. It is a prosocial, participatory space where collaborative systems are carried out with common interests and issues which are connected to the ECO-IN objectives to ensure the achievement of the previously mentioned aims, and supporting the happiness, both at home and in school, of children and youths, including those with special needs.