Experiences of school inclusion
Monday the 11th of January 2021 at 5 pm the ECO-IN project coordinator Prof. Morganti and her staff of the University of Perugia (Italy) conducted the online Focus Group with the extraordinary participation of FORMA.Azione (Italy) – partner of the project.
Thanks to the moderator dott. Moira Sannipoli and the observer dott. Francesco Marsili, during the focus group emerged positive experiences of school inclusion as well as problems and challenges useful for the development of the assessment scale and the algorithm.
The passionate participation of teachers and principals of all grades, as well as the presence of students, has been useful to reflect on the characteristics of inclusive learning environments and the involvement of experts and stakeholders on the inclusion process intended in terms of taking care and meeting the needs of all the students.
The project is going on with an analysis of data and a report focused on school inclusion created on the basis of the survey analysis and the focus groups carried out in the different countries. The report will present beneficiaries needs analysis and items for assessing school inclusion and will contain the country-specific and category-specific part of the assessment protocol.
Other news expected in the coming weeks.