ECO-IN training in a rural school in Alt Lluçanès
Continuing with the ECO-IN training to optimize inclusion from schools to the entire community, on Friday, March 3, a training session was held at the Aurora de Sant Boi del Lluçanés school (Catalonia, Spain). Dr. Robert Roche and Dr. Mayka Cirera first visited all the primary school children in this school, in the assembly activity with which they start each day. Later they met with the management team, teachers, a representative of social services and the representative of the pedagogical advisory team of the territory of Osona. Among the topics discussed at this meeting, the process to create a Prosocial Trust Center with all the families of the students was analyzed.
This school has led, within the framework of ECO-IN, weekly meetings with families. Then, through the prosocial participatory visualization method, the aspects to be developed were worked on to optimize inclusion and attention to diversity in this specific school and in the territory involved. Training will continue in the coming weeks.