Citizenship Education And Lifelong Learning For A Democratic Just Transition: Launching SOLIDAR Foundation’s Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2021
The Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor is SOLIDAR Foundation’s flagship publication, launched on a yearly basis to take stock of policy developments in the field of citizenship education across Europe, collate the good practice examples of its membership and build up a set of advocacy points based on the research in a way that advances SOLIDAR Foundation’s and its members’ vision of education: quality education as a universal and public good to which all learners, regardless of age, gender and background, have access so that they can flourish into active citizens.
As the publication is now reaching its 6th edition, it continues to use the 2015 Paris Declaration on promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education as a starting point, constantly reminding on the commitments made by the Education Ministers in Europe for the mainstreaming of citizenship education. This year’s edition is specifically considering global citizenship education from the perspective of education for environmental sustainability, considering the climate crisis in which all learners find themselves and the need for them to be prepared to combat it. At the same time, this year’s edition is also assessing the state of the civic space in Europe considering that global citizenship education, and specifically its lifelong learning component of informal and non-formal education, requires an open civic space in which civil society organisations providing such education can thrive and in which the learners are free to exert their rights and seek collective action based on the education they received.
Join SOLIDAR Foundation on for two online sessions on 30 and 31 March 2022 from 11.00am until 12.45pm CET for the presentation of the Monitor’s main findings and recommendations, followed by a discussion with representatives of the European Parliament, European Commission and civil society on the way forward for the mainstreaming of education for environmental sustainability and for combatting the shrinking civic space. A draft programme of the event can be found here, while the link to register and attend the webinar can be found here.