The Prosocial Trust Center has participated in the dance in favor of peace promoted by the facilitators of Biodance of Catalonia.
The meeting took place on Saturday May 21, 2022 in the gardens of Can Coll in the town of Lliçà de Vall (Barcelona).
An intergenerational and intercultural group got together to dance for peace in a biodance session included in the cultural events promoted by the city council.
Biodance is a system of affective reeducation that invite people to carry out those daily actions that contribute to generating a culture of peace. Through the universal language of music, biodance embraces diversity and invites to celebrate and honor life through a shared dance.
The Prosocial Trust Center promotes Biodanza as a safe way to build inclusive relationships within the community.

Articles of interest about the benefits of biodance

d’Alencar, B. P., Mendes, M. M. R., Jorge, M. S. B., & Rodrigues, M. D. S. P. (2006). The meaning of the biodance as a source of freedom and autonomy in reconquering oneself in human living. Texto & Contexto-Enfermagem15, 48-54.

Ghedin, E. (2016). Passi verso la felicità: il valore della Biodanza per promuovere l’inclusione. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION FOR INCLUSION4(2), 189-206.

Pinho, A. M. M. D., Castro, G. S. D., Ximenes, V. M., Moreira, C. P., & Barreto, G. P. (2009). Community Psychology and Biodance: contributions on experience category. Aletheia, (30), 27-38.

Rosa, R., & Molisso, V. (2018). Integrated motor activities and autism spectrum disorder: biodanza srt and multisystem water therapy (Mwt). Giornale Italiano di Educazione alla Salute, Sport e Didattica Inclusiva2(4).

Tafuri, D., Rosa, R., Di Palma, D., & Ascione, A. (2019). An innovative Educational-Sport strategy to aim to inclusion: Biodanza SRT.