ECO-IN has the ability to produce a systemic impact on the different project countries by generating multiplier effects at local, regional and national level, involving more key players and stakeholders, obtaining further support from public authorities and producing awareness on the issue of inclusive education policies thanks to the visibility and diffusion of its results and achievement.
With reference to qualitative elements, the project is expected to lead to the following strategic impacts at systemic level:
- renewed culture of cooperation among the different stakeholders working in and with schools in Spain, Romania, Lithuania, and Italy thanks to the many structured activities jointly developed and the possibility of increasing the information flow among them throughout the ECO-IN implementation process.
A new awareness about inclusive education by the community of practice at national and European level.
Dynamic” algorithm
A validated “dynamic” algorithm for score’s allocation representing, together with the assessment tool, a sound and efficient European reference tool to evaluate and monitor the inclusive organization of schools closely linked to local communities support. The system, unique and innovative in the European landscape for its features.
Assessment Protocol
- An Inclusion Assessment Protocol based on an algorithm able to combine common, country-specific and context-specific variables coherent with the relevant EU priorities and recommendations and validated by extensive, participative and evidence-based assessed experimentation.
A strong evidence that will drive and inspire new knowledge in school inclusion and will be the starting point for new research on the field and policy reforms with potentially high systemic impact and change in EU member states.
Improved competences in addressing diversity and reinforcing diversity among education staff that empower them to become more active and responsible when comes to school inclusion. School communities applying a renewed inclusion approach and culture and equipped to further progress on this issue. - An Action plan for ECO-IN AP further implementation, a policy action plan developed with the support of policy officers for the implementation at system level of the ECO IN assessment protocol experimented by the project.
Development of Trust Network
Development of Trust Network, conceived as a network of mentors trained and empowered throughout the ECO-IN project implementation that continues promoting a renewed cooperation method among the relevant stakeholders.