Approach, Methodology & Evaluation
Preparatory actions
The preparatory actions (both analytical than the ones related to practical arrangements) lie on the good practice Inclusive Process Assessment Scale (IPAS). Indicators will be tested first at regional level (Umbria, Marche, Alba Iulia, Catalunya and Vilniaus) and scaled up at national level.
Preparatory actions will employ the following methods:
- Analytical activities Online/paper questionnaires to teachers/headmasters, parents, expert/consultant on education and policy makers and a participatory needs assessment throughout the focus groups methodology in order to better target the project’s interventions in terms of identifying problem definition, available resources, possible solutions and community engagement is helpful. Analysis of the findings will be the main content of the country reports (IT, LT, RO, ES) and the comparative cross-country review report.
- Scientific reviews to update inclusive processes assessment scale and highlight the selection of objective indicators and a self-assessment methodology refers to each category involved.
- Collection of best practices at international level in order to implement a dynamic assessment tools for measuring the inclusiveness of school considering three integrated systems: classroom-school- society.
Practical arrangements
- The co-creation of the training curriculum and the production of the training materials, is on the basis for the further activities for selected schools who will participate in the implementation activities. These methodologies will lead to the creation of common guidelines for conducting training in countries (IT, LT, RO, ES), taking into consideration the given cultural, legislative and organization characteristics and the different profiles of beneficiaries involved.
- A “dynamic”, multilingual thematic ICT platform, designed to support, manage and diffuse a user- friendly specific protocol to assess the levels of school inclusion in primary and secondary (middle/junior-high) schools in different European Countries.
Implementation and evaluation actions
Learning activities
- Following the ecological model of inclusion proposed in this project, representatives from each educational system will be involved and included in the experimentation groups. This first group of participants, will play the role of peer educators during the implementation of learning activities at national level. The course will be implemented as blended with on line training modules and on-place activities such as seminars and workshops.
- Learning activities included in the ECO IN Toolbox refer to the good practice “Training prosocial competences”. ECO IN training will be implemented at regional level and foresee the participation and active involvement of policy officers and local representative, besides teachers, headmasters and parents. Policy officers and local representatives will have the unique opportunity to be directly involved in the learning process, so to be considered as integrated part to enhance the quality of education.
Community actions
Implementation of European Prosocial Trust Centers intended as an interdisciplinary space where all participants will be trained and monitored to establish positive human relationships through prosocial communication, leaving aside statuses and roles to allow exchanges of ideas, difficulties, questions and cases on school inclusion processes, in a spontaneous, horizontal and circular way.
The ECO IN Assessment Protocol will be administered to selected schools thanks to the implemented algorithm and the ICT tools deployed in order to facilitate data collection and analysis. The evaluation phase aims at collecting statistical and self-assessment data in order to get an evidence-based data collection about the quality of inclusive practices and policies, implemented by the schools.
The Evidence-based inclusive education is the best practice that ECO IN project wants to scale up thanks to activities included in WP6. The evidence-based methods will let a better transferability of the project results enhancing the potentiality in terms of quality of education and tools to identify weaknesses to be enhanced.